April 2023, New Selection of fine mineral specimens


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BW01 - Vanadinite. Coud'a, Mibladen mining district, Midelt Province, Drâa-Tafilalet Region, Morocco.

Vanadinite Mibladen
Vanadinite Mibladen
Vanadinite Mibladen
Vanadinite Mibladen


This magnificent sample comes from a find made at the Coud’a area in the first months of 2019. Large crystals with a thick tabular shape, and doubly terminated, very bright and with a very vivid red color with orange hues. No damage. 


Specimen size:  7 cm x  5 cm


Price: 330€ Available

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BW02- Vanadinite. Coud'a, Mibladen mining district, Midelt Province, Drâa-Tafilalet Region, Morocco.

Vanadinite Mibladen
Vanadinite Mibladen
Vanadinite Mibladen
Vanadinite Mibladen

This magnificent sample comes from a find made at the Coud’a area in the first months of 2019. Large crystals with a thick tabular shape, and doubly terminated, very bright and with a very vivid red color with orange hues. The main crystal measures 3.5 cm x 1.5 cm. No damage.


Specimen size:  7.5 cm x  5.5 cm


Price: 290€ Available

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BW03- Gwindel Smokey Quartz. Les Courtes, Chamonis, Mont- Blanc Massif, France.

Gwindel Quartz Alps
Gwindel Quartz Alps
Gwindel Quartz Alps
Gwindel Quartz Alps


A classic Alpine gwindel, French in this case. The color is smokey and it is enhanced by the transparency and luster of the sample. Excellent Gwindel Quartz. Much better in person. The specimen base is totally recrystallized.


Specimen size:  6 cm x  5.5 cm


Not available

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BW04 -   Mimetite variety Campylite. Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Allerdale, former Cumberland, Cumbria, England / United Kingdom

Campilyte UK
Campylite UK
Campylite UK
Campylite UK


Barrel-shaped crystals with very pronounced curvatures of faces and edges that give the crystals an almost globular shape. They have a very intense orange color, are very bright and they came from the most well-known locality for this variety. On matrix of Quartz. No damage.


Specimen size:  4 cm x  3 cm


Not available

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BW06- Celestine with Calcite. Laman celestine deposit, Qala e Naw District, Badghis, Afghanistan. 

Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine

Celestine crystals with sharp faces, one of them clearly dominant, very large and doubly terminated, with very well defined faces and edges and with an intense sky blue color. On matrix with very acute light yellow scalenohedral crystals of Calcite. The main Celestine crystal measures 7 cm x 3 cm. Great contrast. No damage. Better in person. These new Celestines are among the finest in the world.


Specimen size:  7 cm x  4.5 cm


Price: 460€ Available

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BW07- Celestine with Calcite. Laman celestine deposit, Qala e Naw District, Badghis, Afghanistan.

Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine

Celestine crystals with sharp faces, one of them clearly dominant, very large and doubly terminated, with very well defined faces and edges and with an intense sky blue color. On matrix with very acute light yellow scalenohedral crystals of Calcite. Great contrast. No damage. These new Celestines are among the finest in the world.


Specimen size: 7 cm x  3.5 cm


Price: 370€ Available

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BW08- Celestine with Calcite. Laman celestine deposit, Qala e Naw District, Badghis, Afghanistan.

Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine

Thick prismatic crystal of Celestine with very well defined faces and edges and an intense sky blue color. It is doubly terminated and aesthetically disposed on matrix with very acute light yellow scalenohedral crystals of Calcite. The Celestine crystal is 3.7 cm x 3 cm in size and it is in perfect condition. Great contrast. Better in person. These new Celestines are among the finest in the world.


Specimen size:  8 cm x  7.5 cm 


Not available

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BW09- Celestine with Calcite. Laman celestine deposit, Qala e Naw District, Badghis, Afghanistan.

Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine

Prismatic crystals of Celestine with very well defined faces and edges and an intense sky blue color. Disposed on matrix with very acute light yellow scalenohedral crystals of Calcite. No damage. These new Celestines are among the finest in the world.


Specimen size: 3.7 cm x 3 cm


Not available

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BW10- Celestine with Calcite. Laman celestine deposit, Qala e Naw District, Badghis, Afghanistan.

Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine


Aerial prismatic crystal of Celestine, transparent and with very well defined faces and edges and a nice sky blue color. Disposed on matrix with  acute light yellow scalenohedral crystals of Calcite. No damage. These new Celestines are among the finest in the world. Nice miniature in great condition.


Specimen size:   2.7 cm x  2.2 cm


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BW11- Celestine with Calcite. Laman celestine deposit, Qala e Naw District, Badghis, Afghanistan.

Botroidal Malachite
Botroidal Malachite
Afghanistan Celestine
Afghanistan Celestine

Aerial prismatic crystal of Celestine, very sharp, with very well defined faces and edges and a nice sky blue color. Disposed on matrix with very acute light yellow scalenohedral crystals of Calcite. The Celestine crystal is 3.3 cm x 2 cm in size. No damage. These new Celestines are among the finest in the world. 


Specimen size: 4.3 cm x 2 cm


Not available

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BW13- Pyrite with Bournonite. Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania.

Botroidal Malachite
Botroidal Malachite
Pyrite Maramures
Pyrite Maramures


Group of cubic crystals of Pyrite with nice striations on the faces, free of damage, very bright and partially coated by small crystals of Bournonite.


Specimen size:  10 cm x  5.5 cm


Price: 110€ Available

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BW14 - Anglesite.  Touissit, Touissit-Bou Bekker District, Jerada province, Morocco.

Morocco Anglesite
Morocco Anglesite
Morocco Anglesite
Morocco Anglesite


Transparent colorless crystal of Anglesite, 3 cm in height, very bright and disposed on  Galena matrix. The condition is excellent without damage. A Moroccan classic, increasingly scarce. Better in person. In excellent condition.


Specimen size:  4.5 cm x 3.5 cm


Not available


BW15 - Rhodonite. San Martín mine, Huallanca District, Ancash Department, Perú.

Peru Rhodonite
Peru Rhodonite
Peru Rhodonite
Peru Rhodonite

Group of very sharp laminar crystals of Rhodonite showing an intense red color and good luster. It is accompanied by very well defined rhombohedral crystals of Calcite and Quartz. Aesthetic and fine specimen, increasingly scarce. 


Specimen size: 4 cm x  2.5  cm


Not available

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BW16 - Rhodonite. San Martín mine, Huallanca District, Ancash Department, Perú.

Peru Rhodonite
Peru Rhodonite
Peru Rhodonite
Peru Rhodonite

Excellent miniature formed by very well developed flat prismatic crystals of Rhodonite, very sharp and with an excellent red-pink color. Very good Rhodonite specimen, increasingly scarce.  


Specimen size: 3 cm x 2 cm


Price: 130€ Available 

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BW17 - Ilvaite with Quartz. Huanggang mines, Hexigten Banner, Inner Mongolia, China.

Ilvaite China
Ilvaite China
Ilvaite China
Ilvaite China

Well formed prismatic crystal of Ilvaite. It is doubly terminated and implanted on a Quartz crystal with very notable polycrystalline growths. The main crystal measures 4.7 cm x 2 cm. An excellent sample of the progressively scarce Chinese Ilvaites. Very nice architecture. In excellent condition.


Specimen size:  5.6 cm x 3.5 cm


Not available

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BW18 - Ilvaite with Quartz. Huanggang mines, Hexigten Banner, Inner Mongolia, China.

Ilvaite China
Ilvaite China
Ilvaite China
Ilvaite China

Prismatic crystals of Ilvaite with very well developed faces and edges and doubly terminated, implanted on a Quartz crystal with very notable polycrystalline growths. The main crystal measures 4.2 cm x 2.3 cm. An excellent sample of the progressively scarce Chinese Ilvaites. Very nice architecture. In excellent condition.


Specimen size:  5 cm x  4.5 cm


Price: 230€ Available 

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BW19 - Ilvaite with Quartz. Huanggang mines, Hexigten Banner, Inner Mongolia, China.

Ilvaite China
Ilvaite China
Ilvaite China
Ilvaite China

Prismatic crystals of Ilvaite with very well defined faces and edges disposed on a matrix of Quartz crystals. The main crystal measures 2.7 cm x 1.6 cm. An excellent sample of the progressively scarce Chinese Ilvaites. Very nice architecture. In excellent condition.


Specimen size:  5 cm x 4 cm  


Not available

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BW20 -  Sphalerite. Shuikoushan mine, Changning Co., Hengyan, Hunan, China.

China Sphallerite
China Sphallerite
China Sphallerite
China Sphallerite


Glossy crystal of Sphalerite with very good transparency, excellent color and nicely disposed on matrix of quartz showing a great and nice contrast. The crystal measures 1 cm. Very nice specimen in excellent condition, without damage.


Specimen size: 6.5 cm x  5 cm


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BW21 -  Aquamarine with Schorl and Feldspar. Erongo Mountain, Usakos, Erongo Region, Namibia.

Erongo Aquamarine
Erongo Aquamarine
Erongo Aquamarine
Erongo Aquamarine

Sharp prismatic crystal of Beryl (Aquamarine variety). It is 1.8 cm in height, with very well defined faces and edges, transparent and bright, and with a very well defined and uniform sky blue color. It is on Feldspar crystals with very bright Schorl biterminated crystals. 


Specimen size:  5.8 cm x 4 cm


Not available

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BW22 - Pyrite with Sphalerite. Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Dos de Mayo Province, Huánuco Department, Peru.

Huanzala Pyrite
Huanzala Pyrite
Huanzala Pyrite
Huanzala Pyrite

Group of octahedral crystals with very bright and very well defined faces and edges, accompanied by small crystals of Sphalerite. In very good condition.


Specimen size: 7.5 cm x  5.5 cm


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BW23 - Sphalerite.  Las Mánforas Mine, Áliva mining area, Camaleño, Comarca Liébana, Cantabria  Spain.

Las Manforas Sphalerite
Las Manforas Sphalerite
Las Manforas Sphalerite
Las Manforas Sphalerite

Complex Sphalerite crystals, transparent and with an intense and uniform honey color and on a matrix with white Dolomite crystals. Better in person. A Spanish classic.


Specimen size:  6 cm x  5 cm


Not available


BW25 - Amazonite. Smoky Hawk Claim, Crystal Peak, Teller County, Colorado, USA

Colorado Amazonite
Colorado Amazonite
Colorado Amazonite

Group of crystals of Microcline, variety Amazonite, with very well developed faces and edges and beautiful color. Sharp forms and unrepaired specimen in very good condition. Excellent value for a classic USA Microcline.


Specimen size:  3.5 cm x  3.5 cm


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