
BC01 - Pyrite. Victoria mine, Navajún, La Rioja, Spain.

pyrite navajun
pyrite navajun
pyrite navajun
pyrite navajun


Sharp crystals of Pyrite with very well defined faces and edges, aesthetically disposed on matrix. A Spanish classic of great quality. The condition is excellent. Watch the video.


Specimen size: 7 cm x 7 cm


Not available

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BC04- Gwindel Quartz. Helbronner, Veny Valley, Mont Blanc massif, Italy.

Gwindel quartz
Gwindel quartz
Gwindel quartz
Gwindel quartz
Gwindel quartz
Gwindel quartz


A classic Alpine Gwindel Quartz, from Italy in this case. Good size crystal with a deep smoky color, a very good transparency and high brightness. With white Albite matrix scattering around the crystal. A very nice Gwindel sample from Alps, much better in person. Watch the video taken in natural light conditions.


Specimen size: 10 cm x 8 cm


Not available



BC05 - Smoky Quartz with Fluorite. Trient, Martigny, Valais, Switzerland.

Alpine fluorite
Alpine fluorite
Alpine fluorite
Alpine fluorite


Another classic from Alps. Group of well developed crystals of smoky Quartzs accompanied by a small octahedral crystal of pink Fluorite. Very nice Alpine specimen in very good condition. Watch the video taken in natural light.


Specimen size:  6 cm x  4 cm


Not available

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BC06- Dioptase with Mimetite. Mindouli, Pool department, Republic of Congo.

Congo dioptase
Congo dioptase
Congo dioptase
Congo dioptase


Translucent prismatic crystals of Dioptase with a vivid green color accompanied by Mimetite with a nice yellow-orange color.. No damage. Watch the video taken in natural light.


Specimen size: 5 cm x 5 cm


Not available

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BC07-  Dioptase with Mimetite. Mindouli, Pool department, Republic of Congo.

Congo dioptase
Congo dioptase
Congo dioptase
Congo dioptase


Translucent prismatic crystals of Dioptase with a vivid green color accompanied by Mimetite with a nice yellow-orange color. No damage. Watch the video taken in natural light.


Specimen size:  6 cm x 3.5 cm


Not available

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BC08- Bournonite with Pyrite, Galena and Sphalerite. Stan Terg mine, Trepca Complex, Trepca Valley, Mitrovica, Kosovo.

Pyrrhotite Trepca Kosovo
Pyrrhotite Trepca Kosovo
Pyrrhotite Trepca Kosovo
Pyrrhotite Trepca Kosovo
Pyrrhotite Trepca Kosovo
Pyrrhotite Trepca Kosovo


A worldwide novelty coming from the Trepca Complex in Kosovo. Sharp lustrous crystals of Bournonite  forming cyclic twins with very well defined faces and edges and displaying the classic cogwheel shape. Nicely displayed on matrix of Pyrite with Sphalerite crystals and "melted" Galena. Excellent new find from Kosovo. No damage. Watch the video.


Specimen size:  7.5 cm x  5.5 cm


Not available

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BC11- Bournonite with Calcite and Pyrite. Stan Terg mine, Trepca Complex, Trepca Valley, Mitrovica, Kosovo.

Pyrrhotite Trepca Kosovo
Pyrrhotite Trepca Kosovo
Pyrrhotite Trepca Kosovo
Pyrrhotite Trepca Kosovo

A worldwide novelty coming from the Trepca Complex in Kosovo. Sharp highly lustrous crystals of Bournonite up to 2.5 cm in height forming a cyclic twins with very well defined faces and edges and displaying the classic cogwheel shape. On matrix of Pyrite and Calcite. Excelent new find from Kosovo. No damage. Watch the video.


Specimen size:  8 cm x  6  cm


Not available



BC12- Fluorite. Huanggang mine, Chifeng Prefecture, Inner Mongolia, China.

Inner Mongolia pink red Fluorite
Inner Mongolia pink red Fluorite
Inner Mongolia pink red Fluorite
Inner Mongolia pink red Fluorite

Group of large octahedral crystals of Fluorite with red color and very well defined faces and edges. The main crystal measures 4.5 cm x 4 cm. From a new find at Huanggang, China. The combination of habit and color is one of the most sought after for this specie. With visible inclusions of byssolite fibers. This kind of Fluorites has previously come from the Alps and also a few similar pieces from Pakistan. This one is a very fine Fluorite from The Huanggang mine in very good condition. Watch the video taken in natural light conditions.


Specimen size:  7 cm x  6 cm

Main crystal size: 4.5 cm x 4 cm


Not available

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BC13- Ferberite, Fluorite and Arsenopyrite. Panasqueira mines, Covilha, Castelo Branco, Portugal.

Panasqueira Fluorite
Panasqueira Fluorite
Panasqueira Fluorite
Panasqueira Fluorite
Panasqueira Fluorite
Panasqueira Fluorite

Group of tabular Ferberite crystals with cubic crystals of Fluorite with a saturated violet color. Also with lustrous crystals of Arsenopyrite. Very nice and unusual combination specimen from the first level of the world famous Panasqueira mine, in excellent condition. Watch video.


Specimen size: 8 cm x 5 cm


Not available

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BC15-  Fluorite and Siderite. Panasqueira mines, Covilha, Castelo Branco, Portugal.

Rogerley Fluorite
Rogerley Fluorite
Bournonite Trepka Kosovo
Bournonite Trepka Kosovo


Group of cubic crystals of Fluorite with an intense violet color settled on a matrix with small crystals of Siderite. No damage. Watch video taken in natural light conditions.


Specimen size:  4 cm x  4 cm


Not available



BC17- Bournonite. Canutillos mine, Machacamarca District, Cornelio Saavedra Province, Potosí, Bolivia.


Metalic silver crystals of Bournonite forming cyclic twins with very well formed faces and edges and displaying the classic cogwheel shape. It is disposed on a matrix with small lustrous crystals of Pyrite and Quartz. The piece is in excellent condition. Watch video.


Specimen size:  12 cm x  7 cm


Price: 230€ Available

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Fine minerals for collectors for sale, MChMinerals


BC19- Pyrrhotite, Calcite and Pyrite. Stan Terg mine, Trepca Complex, Trepca Valley, Mitrovica, Kosovo.

Bournonite Trepca
Bournonite Trepca
Bournonite Trepca
Bournonite Trepca

Aggregate of tabular Pyrrhotite crystals with well defined faces and edges and partially covered by small Calcite crystals. With small crystals of Pyrite as well. No damage. Watch the video.


Specimen size:  6 cm x 4 cm


Not available

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BC21- Pyrrhotite, Calcite, Galena, Sphalerite. Stan Terg mine, Trepca Complex, Trepca Valley, Mitrovica, Kosovo.

Ilmichil Apatite
Ilmichil Apatite
Trepca mineral
Trepca mineral

Nice combination specimen from the Trepca mineral complex. It is formed of aggregates of tabular Pyrrhotite crystals with well defined faces and edges, white Calcite crystals, lustrous Galena and small crystals of Sphalerite. The condition is very good. Watch the video.


Specimen size: 8 cm x  7 cm


Not available

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